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7 years 24 weeks ago

May 12, 2010

Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Tuesday pushed back against groups claiming that Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski's recent call to reclassify some aspects of broadband as a telecommunications service is a "government takeover of the Internet." read more
A rhetorical war appears to be breaking out between the free-market group Americans for Prosperity and the public interest group Free Press over FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski's proposal to reclassify some aspects of broadband as a telecommunications service. read more
Federal communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski's "Third Way" is a form of Title II "lite," where the FCC will reverse its prior decisions dating back decades that declare the Internet and broadband connections "information services," and instead bifurcate the Internet into two segments: the "Internet" itself, and the "connections to" the Internet. read more
The Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking comments and information from interested parties to assist DOE in understanding current and potential practices and policies for the states and other entities to empower consumers (and perhaps others) through access to detailed energy information in electronic form -- including real-time information from smart meters, historical consumption data, and pricing and billing information. read more
The Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking comments and information from interested parties to assist DOE in understanding the communications requirements of utilities, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the Smart Grid. read more
Verizon Wireless is in talks with a number of rural telephone carriers to license its wireless spectrum, potentially helping to bring next-generation wireless broadband service to remote areas of the US. Verizon Wireless Chief Executive Lowell McAdam said the move -- unusual, because carriers typically guard spectrum, which is expensive and scarce -- will help it more quickly expand the reach of its new fourth-generation network, which it plans to launch in 25 to 30 cities by the end of the year. read more
Online publishers think a privacy bill proposed by Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) is a balanced first step. But they have questions on specifics about the draft bill, which could have a big effect on their future business models. read more
Big telecoms in North Carolina keep fretting about towns like Wilson and Salisbury getting into the broadband business. read more
According to one of its biggest boosters, community-owned fiber networks open a door that "has remained shut due to the sleight-of-hand antics of many private telecom companies who talk the game of broadband but only offer embarrassing low levels of capability." read more
Demand for new broadband connections jumped during the first quarter of 2010, reversing what was a long slide in 2009, according to a new report by Leichtman Research. read more
Almost the entire Pennsylvania congressional delegation wrote the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday in support of Comcast's pending bid to purchase NBC. read more
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration, part of the Commerce Department, announced Wednesday that it hoped to collect suggestions on technologies that could block illegal phone calls in a way that would not simultaneously interfere with wireless devices used by police officers and other prison staff. read more
At a press briefing with reporters Tuesday (May 11), Karen Peltz Strauss, deputy chief of the FCC's consumer and governmental affairs bureau, said that the bureau has its eye on the number of closed-captioning complaints that have been coming in since the digital television switch. read more
The Federal Communications Commission announced that the public may now search the FCC's website to find their video programming distributor's (VPDs) contact information for closed captioning complaints. read more
The Federal Communications Commission seeks comment on the annual payment formulas and funding requirement estimates for the Interstate Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Fund (Fund) for the period of July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011 (2010­2011 Fund year), as proposed by the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), the Fund Administrator. read more
The Federal Communications Commission seeks comment on whether the Commission should establish a voluntary program under which participating communications service providers would be certified by the FCC or a yet to be determined third party entity for their adherence to a set of cyber security objectives and/or practices. read more
The State Department will lead a multiagency U.S. delegation to Moscow beginning Tuesday for talks with Russian communications officials on information and communication technology issues. read more
Technology companies over the last few years cut costs to the point that they now have cash surpluses — which they haven't been shy about spending to acquire venture-backed startups. read more
Mobile users have an average of 22 apps on their mobile device, and that 76% of them prefer free, ad-supported apps over the premium kind read more
In a week dominated by disasters and near disasters, the New York bomb plot led the news, registering as the biggest terrorism story in the past three years. read more