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OH: UPDATE ON SB 117 - 6/6

By saveaccess
Created 06/06/2007 - 9:26pm

Dear Friends,

YOU have made a difference today.

In the House Public Utilities Committee there seemed to be a change in the wind. Thanks to your calls more than 20 amendments were passed along to the chair of the committee. Based on that, they decided not to have amendments and a vote today, but to rather accept more testimony and to work on the amendments this week, culminating in a committee meeting next Tuesday at 11am where it is likely the bill will be amended and passed.

There was a difference in the tenor of the questions today, with many more public interest friendly questions and quite a few attacking the positions of the bill proponents. These came from both sides of the aisle and it gave us a clue that YOU are having an effect.

Of course the downside is that this is stretched out for another week. I ask you to stand by for more information as we'll need you to hit the phones again I'm sure.

Without you the public interest would be lost on this bill. Those of us on the ground in Columbus would be nowhere without the pressure you are applying. Thank you for your committment and your action.

We'll be in touch soon.


Media Bridges Cincinnati

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