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OH: A right cross to Waycross Bill would cut franchise revenues

By saveaccess
Created 06/29/2007 - 6:17am

FROM: Hilltop Press, June 20, 2007

A right cross to Waycross Bill would cut franchise revenues
By Heidi Fallon

Legislation working its way to the governor's desk will have dire consequences for Waycross Community Television.

Senate Bill 117, which passed in the House of Representatives June 14 with a 92-2 vote, is "very unfortunate for Ohio consumers," according to Chip Bergquist, Waycross executive director.

The bill, he said, was orchestrated by AT&T and TIme Warner, and was supported by Cincinnati Bell.

"It was supposed to be about competition, but I've seen nothing in the bill which speaks to any form of competition," said Thorn Schneider, government access coordinator for Waycross. Both men said the bill is severely cut their franchise fee revenues, reduce the number of channels they provide local residents and eliminate the previously mandated cable program access to schools and government buildings.

Waycross receives a 5 percent franchise fee from Springfield Township, Greenhills and Forest Park. It amounts to about $500,000 a year and is based on the bills of TIme Warner subscribers in those three areas.

Waycross also provides programming for the Northwest Local School District, Bergquist said, because the district serves students living in Springfield Township.

Bergquist said he expects the percentage cut in revenues to be at least $80,000. Waycross will, in turn, have to pay an estimated $100,000 for transmission fees. The loss of revenue could mean cuts, Bergquist said.

Other language in the bill will mean no programs such as high school football games, council or township meeting coverage, and no more programs produced by churches and other nonprofit groups, Schneider said. Schneider said the bill now goes back to the Senate for approval and then on to the governor.

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